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發布時間:2022-10-30 14:15
地  區:河南>鄭州市>鞏義(孝義鎮)
公  司:河南昱孚興機械設備有限公司
聯 系 人:徐娜娜
電  話: 86-0371-85600693
移動電話: 13323328009
傳  真: 86-
地  址: 河南省鄭州市鞏義市產業集聚區創業大道企業孵化園C區03
郵  編: 451200
Email:[email protected]
規  格:1220X2440 型  號:yfx-500 數  量:100
品  牌:昱孚興 包  裝:定制 價  格:面議




The production process of the fiber cement board production line mainly includes copying method, slurry flow method, molding method and vacuum extrusion method. The most commonly used methods are the stripping method and the slurry flow method. The stripping process, also known as the "rotary screen stripping method", originates from the manufacturing method of fiber cement board invented by Austrian people on the basis of the papermaking process. After more than a hundred years of discussion, research and exploration in different countries, scientists have constantly innovated and improved this process. The stripping method has become one of the production processes with sophisticated technology and wide application in the product industry.

In the process of taking and making boards, fibers are mostly arranged in two-dimensional plane orientation, and the arrangement direction is mainly along the circular mesh, which is consistent with the direction of the main stress of the board, and can be adjusted by other means of assistance to produce different products.

The material layer made by the copying process is obtained from multiple cages, normally 3-6 cages. Each material layer is composed of small material layers obtained from multiple cages. The material layer is flat, the pressure is uniform, and the internal structure of the slab is fine.

Yufuxing Company produces customized fiber cement tile production line, high-density fiber tile equipment, Beijing Dawa production line, cement fiber board production line, fiber cement pressure plate equipment, fiber reinforced calcium silicate board equipment, fiber cement pipe production line, fiber cement cable protection pipe production line, crawler jaw mobile crushing station, jaw crusher, composite crusher, vibration feeder, hammer crusher, debris separator, belt filter press, Energy saving ball mill, powder concentrator, waste sorting multi frequency screen, bag pulse dust remover, box crusher, tyre cone mobile crushing station, impact crusher, etc.

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